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Vợt Tennis Yonex ASTREL 100 (280gr) ( Made In Japan)

Brand : Yonex
Product Code : 02AST100
Giá bán lẻ Sport House
3.899.000 đ 5.100.000 đ
Status (In Stock)

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Product Detail

Vợt Tennis Yonex ASTREL 100 (280gr) ( Made In Japan)

With the Astrel 100, Yonex gives beginner and intermediate players a point and shoot weapon with a very easy learning curve. At only 10.4 ounces strung, this racquet moves through contact with explosive speed, making it easier for you to generate pace and spin. It also has impressive control which translates into greater confidence when ing ambitious targets. What separates the Astrel 100 its competitors is a high comfort to weight ratio, making this a great racquet for the player who wants the speed of a light racquet without the high shock that typically accompanies it. This racquet's impressive comfort comes partly the addition of a unique material called React Resin, which is a lightweight substance integrated into the graphite layup to create a more flexible and comfortable feel at impact. This racquet's plush feel also comes its time-tested Isometric head (which elongates the cross string and enlarges the sweetspot). Additional technologies include a new technology called Quadforce Gear, which extends the string bed at the four corners to create an even softer and more powerful stringbed. On groundstrokes this racquet's raw speed and easy targeting make it especially well suited to the rising intermediate looking to play more aggressive tennis. At net the Astrel 100 comes around with remarkable ease, making it great on reaction volleys. The Astrel 100 also shines on serve where the combination of speed, spin and precision will bring out your aggressive side. Ultimately, this is simply a great option for the rising intermediate who wants to start hitting with more pace and spin.

Thông số kĩ thuật Technology
Kích cỡ mặt vợt 100 in² / 645.16 cm²
Chiều dài vợt 27in / 68.58cm
Trọng lượng vợt chưa có dây (+/- 5g) 280 g / 9.9 oz
Trọng lượng vợt đã có dây 10.4oz / 295g
Độ cân bằng (chưa có dây) 325 mm
Độ cân bằng (đã có dây) 12.99in / 32.99cm / 4 pts HL
Trọng lượng vung 297
Độ cứng 68
Độ dày thành vợt 25.5mm / 27.5mm / 24mm
Chất liệu Graphite
Cốt vợt Yonex Synthetic
Mật độ dây 16 x 18
Độ căng dây (khuyến nghị) 40 - 55 lbs

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